1. Name and domicile of the Association

The Association is called Future Female Ry and it domiciles in Helsinki.

2. Purpose and functions

The purpose of the Association is to provide a network for women interested in technology, digital solutions, and entrepreneurship, and offer professional development and networking opportunities to its members.

The functions of the Association are: to gather together women interested in technology, digital solutions, and entrepreneurship; to develop the community and control the interests of its members; and to organize meetings and events together with partners.

For the purpose and functions, the Association collects sponsorship, support payments, and contributions, and it can sell products and/or services to gain capital that will mainly be used for enabling and securing operations.

3. Members

A person who consents to the purpose of the Association can be accepted as a full member of the Association. A private person or a legal entity wishing to support the Association can be accepted as a support member. The Board will approve full members and support members based on their application. The Board can suggest at an association meeting a person who has significantly contributed and supported the Association to become an honorary member.

4. Resignation and dismissal of a member

Members have the right to resign from the Association by giving written notice to the Board or the Chair of the Board or by announcing their resignation to be marked in the meeting minutes of an association meeting.

All Members (and Board Members) shall promote the purposes of the Association and shall do nothing to bring the Association into disrepute. The Board can dismiss a support member or a full member if: they have not paid outstanding support or membership fees; they have not fulfilled their responsibilities as stated when joining the Association; they have acted in a manner outside or within the Association which has notably harmed the Association; they no longer fulfill membership responsibilities as stated in the law or in the rules of the Association.

Dismissal comes into effect with a majority vote from the Board and the dismissed member can no longer participate in the decision-making or operations of the Association.

5. Joining and membership fees

The amount of joining fee as well as the annual membership and support fees are decided at the Annual Meeting.

6. The Board

The Association is run by the Board, which comprises, in addition to the Chair, at least three (3) and at most eleven (11) members and up to two (0-2) substitute members. The Term of Office for the Board is the time between Annual Meetings. The Board will select a Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and other necessary officers. The Auditor does not need to be a member of the Association.

The Board meets when either the Chair or Vice Chair or at least three of the Board Members call the meeting. The Board has decision-making power (quorum) when at least half of its members, including either the Chair or the Vice Chair, are present.

7. Signatory rights

The Chair, the Vice Chair and the Treasurer have signatory rights on behalf of the association.

8. Fiscal year and financial statement

The first fiscal year for the Association is 1.11.2017 – 31.12.2018, after which the fiscal year will be the calendar year. The financial statement with all the necessary documents must be filed to the Auditor at least thirty (30) days before the Annual Meeting.

The Auditor must give their written statement to the Board at least fourteen (14) days before the Annual Meeting.

9. Meetings

Members can join Board or other association meetings by post or via a communication link or a technical aid before or during the meeting if the Board or the meeting attendants so decide.

The Annual Meeting is held once a year on a date set by the Board. At association meetings, each member has one vote. The suggestion which gets more than half of the votes will be the decision. If there is a tie, it is resolved by the Chair’s vote, and at elections, it is resolved by lottery voting. Support members have a right to attend and speak at meetings but no right to vote.

Additional meetings are held when the association meeting so decides, or when the Board sees the need, or at least one tenth (1/10) of the voting members of the Association requests the meeting for a specific reason in writing from the Board. The meeting must be held within 30 days from the day when the request has been made to the Board.

10. The convening of meetings

The Board must call the meeting by email at least seven (7) days before the meeting date.

11. Annual Meeting

The following must be covered in the Annual Meeting:
Opening of the meeting
Electing the Chair, Secretary, two Inspectors of Minutes and if necessary, two Tellers
Note the legality and decision-making power (quorum) of the meeting
Proving the agenda
Presenting the financial statement, annual report and Auditors’ statement
Deciding on approving the financial statement and discharging for liability for the accounts for the Board and others accountable
Confirming the plan of action, revenue estimate and budget as well as joining and membership fees
Electing the Chair and other members for the board
Electing one to two Inspectors of Activities and their substitutes or one to two Auditors and their substitutes
Discussing other matters included in the meeting invite

If a member of the Association wants to motion an item to be discussed at the Annual Meeting, they must inform the board in writing before the meeting invites are sent out.

12. Changing the rules and dissolving the Association

The decision of dissolving the Association must be done at the association meeting with at least a three-quarter (3/4) majority of the votes. The motion to dissolve the Association must be included in the meeting invite. If the Association is dissolved, the funds of the Association will be used for promoting the purpose of the Association as decided by the meeting dissolving the Association.
When the Association is dissolved, the funds will be used for the same purpose.