Millainen maailma olisi, jos teknologiaa olisi kehittämässä monimuotoisempi porukka? Planin ja Future Femalen tänä keväänä jo toisen kerran järjestettävässä mentorointiohjelmassa nuori pääsee oppimaan miten voi vaikuttaa teknologia-alan tasa-arvoon konkreettisesti. Plan International Suomi on kansainvälinen lastenoikeusjärjestö, joka haluaa oikeudenmukaisen maailman, jossa… Read more
We are introducing you to inspiring women on our network and share their stories. Maybe they can become your role models and lower the barrier to connect online and offline, especially when you meet in our meetups. Your name? Laura… Read more
We are introducing you to inspiring women on our network and share their stories. Maybe they can become your role models and lower the barrier to connect online and offline, especially when you meet in our meetups. Where do you… Read more
Are you interested in a career move in or to the tech industry? Are you in between jobs – or totally rethinking your future career – maybe even taking a leap to the tech industry with a totally other background?… Read more