Welcome to Future Female meetup Digital Invasion of Personal Space on Thu 5.11.2019
The internet and digital tools play an increasingly central role in how people engage with their communities: How they find and share information; how they connect with their friends, family, and professional networks; how they learn about—and access— the world around them.
However, one persistent challenge to this ideal has been digital invasion of personal space such as online harassment and abuse – that uses digital means to reach the target.
As with their traditional expressions, online harassment and abuse can affect many aspects of our digital lives. Even those who do not experience online harassment directly can see it and respond to its effects; even the threat of harassment can suppress the voices of many of people.
Agenda for the evening:
17:30-18:00 Registrations & snacks
18:00-18:15 Welcome words by Future Female and Aller
18:15-18:45 Louna Hakkarainen, S@fety Net project / Women’s Line Finland
Let’s talk about digital boundaries – How technology is misused in an abusive relationship
18:40-19:05 Suvi Uski, Someturva
18:05-19:30 Albert Virtanen, Suomi24 / Aller
The good and the bad of online anonymity – How Suomi24 ensures user comfort?
19:30-20:30 Closing words and networking
20:30 End of Meetup
Aller, Lintulahdenkuja 10, 00500 Helsinki
Be fast:
There are only 50 seats available for this event and spots will be filled on a first come first served basis. Registration starts via Lyyti on Wed 16th of October at 7.00 am.
Tickets are free of charge. If you register but your plans change, please cancel your ticket in advance so we can offer your seat to people on the waiting list.
Please note that we will charge €20 as a no-show-fee if you don’t cancel your ticket 24 hours before the event.
About speakers:
Albert Virtanen
Albert Virtanen is Business Development Manager of Suomi24.
Suvi Uski
Social psychologist, Social media and IT researcher, PhD, alumni of HIIT and University of Helsinki
Louna Hakkarainen
Louna Hakkarainen (PhD) is the coordinator of Turv@verkko project in Naisten Linja. The two-year project seeks to raise public awareness about digital abuse in a relationship and the misuse of technology in violence against women more generally.
About Aller
Aller is media, marketing, data and platform company.
Suomi24 is the biggest discussion platform in Finland. We reach 2,2 million Finns on a monthly basis. Suomi24 believes that discussion belongs to everyone. We value diversity, peer support and straightforward talk, anonymously. For Suomi24 what is said is more important than who said it.
About Naisten Linja / Women’s Line Finland
Naisten Linja helps women and girls who have experienced any form of abuse or who want to talk about violence with a trained volunteer. You can also contact us in case you are worried about a loved one. You can reach us through hotline, chat or Q&A service.
Women’s Line 0800 02400 / naistenlinja.fi. The line is open on Mon-Fri 4-8 pm and on Sat-Sun 12-4 pm. All calls are confidential and free-of-charge and they do not appear on your phone bill. Guaranteed service in English on Fridays 4-8 pm. We believe you. We are here for you. We are on your side.