We are introducing you to inspiring women on our network and share their stories. Maybe they can become your role models and lower the barrier to connect online and offline, especially when you meet in our meetups. Lately due to COVID-19 we have done this less often, but here is the next inspiring network member. Maybe these people can become your role models and lower the barrier to connect online and offline, especially when you meet in our meetups again. 

Your name

I am Hanna Lumenkoski

What you do for living?

I work at Canon. We are a doing consumer and B2B business in Finland and Baltic countries. Until
autumn 2020 I am also studying my MBA.

If you work, what is your title?

My role at Canon is a Product Marketing Manager. It is a very diverse position in the company and
I find it really great to be a part of many different sides of the business. I am also
promoting design thinking within the company as an ambassador. Recently I have
become interested in diversity related questions.

Email address?


What is your story, your background?

I started my career from the forest industry as an intern. I am passionate about photography and
when Canon was recruiting for a coordinator, I just had to jump at it. I started my career with
working with Russia, Ukraine, Baltic countries and Kazakhstan as my market area. It was the most
interesting period to get to know these cultures and countries, a true eye opener for a young
Then came a point to transfer to the Finnish markets. During my maternity leaves from the
company, I did something completely different; studied psychology, co-founded Fuck Cancer Run
with Sylva Ry (https://www.sylva.fi/nuoret-aikuiset/fuck-cancer-run/)
, started studying my MBA. I came back to Canon at 2019 to continue with a project related to
service design. I am passionate about design helping companies and I see some really interesting
stuff happening there!

Is technology part of you work? 

Through my current work, technology and I have come closer together. I always thought it is an
area remote to me but on the contrary. I think all of us should have basic knowledge of for instance
coding. Stuff like AR or AI are essential to understand how they will affect our product portfolio in
the future. Through studies I have also lowered the barrier and done ie application development
and am looking forward to so some more studies on digital tools in ie. marketing.

Your biggest challenge at the moment at work or in self-development?

I’m really into developing yourself and to be honest, I don’t think that it should ever end. The
working life of tomorrow needs different skills and they need to be developed. I find myself drawn
into projects even a bit too much some times. When I get enthusiasted, I want to invest time on
what I do. So sometimes I need to calm my self down and give time for recovery and being more

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I know that I will be still developing myself and learning new skills. I would like to find myself in a
place where I can help companies deal with there pressure of adapting to a changing environment.
Also continuing my studies is not out ruled!
What Future Female network has given you? Or what would you like it to give you?

Nothing is better than a good network and it cannot be emphasized too much these days. I’ve made
really great connections and had some awesome discussions. I have also done some writing to
Future Female and hope to continue that, since its good fun.

Quote that inspires you the most?

I trust the great Charles Darwin: ‘It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most
intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change’

Last but not least – name one woman who you admire and why?

I admire ladies who are strong enough to make their dreams true and fight for the things they
believe in. At the same time, if they can be a role model to younger, all the better. To name one, I
admire our PM Sanna Marin for setting our young girls a great example that anything is possible.

Let’s get connected and feel free to ask for cup of coffee too!


I am always up for networking so if you want to connect, just send me a message to grab a
coffee or lunch!