The internet and digital tools play an increasingly central role in how people engage with their communities: How they find and share information; how they connect with their friends, family, and professional networks; how they learn about—and access— the world around them.However, one persistent challenge to this ideal has been digital invasion of personal space such as online harassment and abuse – that uses digital means to reach the target.
As with their traditional expressions, online harassment and abuse can affect many aspects of our digital lives. Even those who do not experience online harassment directly can see it and respond to its effects; even the threat of harassment can suppress the voices of many of people.
We heard keynotes from Louna Hakkarainen, S@fety Net project / Women’s Line Finland, Suvi Uski, Someturva and Albert Virtanen, Suomi24 / Aller.
Thanks to our sponsor Aller!
Photos by Maarit Halonen