We heard about diversity and inclusion at the workplaces in August. This meetup took a step further. Inclusion is much more than a gender or age issue. Every single one of us can be temporarily impaired, and some of us more permanently. Loss of eyesight, hearing, mobility or cognitive skills require a whole new approach to digital services. Both for those who design and develop them as well as for those who are not part of the “majority” of the population. As a matter of fact, 1.5 million Finns are somewhat impaired when digital services are concerned.
We had workshops and heard presentations from Erja Lohikoski, Azra Tayyebi and Elina Jokisuu from Avaava and Kaisu Kiiskilä, Marja Silenti and Xueli Jin from Sanoma Pro.
Thanks to our sponsor Sanoma Pro!
Photos by Maarit Halonen https://maaritphotos.fi/