Understanding the fintech ecosystem. Maybe fintechs and banks need each other after all? What does a meaningful symbiosis look like and how do we get there? How can you become a player in this space? What type of skillsets… Read more
We are introducing you to inspiring women on our network and share their stories. Maybe they can become your role models and lower the barrier to connect online and offline, especially when you meet in our meetups. Lately due to… Read more
We are introducing you to inspiring women on our network and share their stories. Maybe they can become your role models and lower the barrier to connect online and offline, especially when you meet in our meetups. Your name? Krista… Read more
Hei Sinä Future Female -verkoston jäsen, Opiskelen sosiaalipsykologiaa Tampereen yliopiston yhteiskuntatutkimuksen tutkinto-ohjelmassa ja olen tekemässä pro gradu -tutkielmaani koskien naisten verkostoitumista. Tutkielman tarkoituksena on saada tietoa naisten verkostoitumisesta ja erityisesti naisille suunnatuissa uraverkostoissa toimimisesta. Olen kiinnostunut kuulemaan kokemuksiasi, joten haastattelussa… Read more